Today is:2020年05月27日 星期三
Online Application

Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders Multicenter Database and Collaborative Network in China(PD-MDCNC)v7.0 中国帕金森病及运动障碍疾病多中心数据库及协作网


Participating Agenciesy




Clinical Projects + MORE

Research on Pathogenesis and Risk Factors of Parkinson's Disease China's National Key R&D Programmes

  • Lead agency:Xiangya Hospital of Central South University
  • Person in charge:Prof. Beisha Tang

The construction and application of an evaluation-and-intervention system for disability (gait and balance disorders) caused by movement disorders (Parkinson's disease, etc.) in older individuals

  • Lead agency:Xiangya Hospital of Central South University
  • Person in charge:Prof. Beisha Tang

A multicenter clinical study on the detection of plasma biomarkers of Parkinson's disease using immunomagnetic reduction technology

  • Lead agency:Xiangya Hospital of Central South University
  • Person in charge:Prof. Beisha Tang

PD-MDCNC Multicenter Overview

CPDR The Chinese Parkinson’s Disease Registry
CFPDR The Chinese Familial Parkinson’s Disease...
CEOPDR The Early-Onset Parkinson’s Disease...
CPD-GBAR The Chinese Parkinson’s Disease With GBA Vari...
CPD-LRRK2R The Chinese Parkinson’s Disease With LRRK2...
CPD-PARKINR The Chinese Parkinson’s Disease With parkin...
The Chinese Parkinson's Disease Registry

Number of Cases


Number of Biospecimens


Number of MRI


Number of Genomeic Data

CETR The Chinese Essential Tremor Registry
Dystonia Dystonia
PSP Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
MSA Multiple System Atrophy
CBD Corticobasal Degeneration
Health Cohort Health Cohort