Today is:2020年05月27日 星期三
Online Application

Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders Multicenter Database and Collaborative Network in China(PD-MDCNC)v7.0 中国帕金森病及运动障碍疾病多中心数据库及协作网

Research on Pathogenesis and Risk Factors of Parkinson's Disease China's National Key R&D Programmes

  • Prof. Beisha Tang Xiangya Hospital of Central South University Ministry of Science and Technology of the People

Participating units

Research contents

This project is a part of National Key R&D Programmes - Research on the prevention and control of major chronic non-communicable diseases. The key scientific questions to be solved are: Are there any new disease-causing genes/loci and susceptible genes/loci in the Chinese PD population? What are the genetic, environmental, and age-related risk factors of the Chinese PD population? What are the mechanisms of these factors and their interactions in the occurrence and development of PD? Focusing on key scientific issues, we plan to systematically describe the molecular genetic characteristics of the Chinese PD population; determine the spectrum of pathogenic and susceptible gene mutations in the Chinese PD population; screen and identify new PD pathogenic genes/loci and susceptible genes/loci; clarify the role of genetics, environment, age-related factors and the interactions between them in the occurrence and development of PD; screen relevant evaluation indicators; and establish a comprehensive prediction model of PD risks that is suitedto the Chinese population.

Execution time

July 2016-June 2021