Today is:2020年05月27日 星期三
Online Application

Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders Multicenter Database and Collaborative Network in China(PD-MDCNC)v7.0 中国帕金森病及运动障碍疾病多中心数据库及协作网

The construction and application of an evaluation-and-intervention system for disability (gait and balance disorders) caused by movement disorders (Parkinson's disease, etc.) in older individuals

  • Prof. Beisha Tang Xiangya Hospital of Central South University Department of Aging and Health, National Health Commission of the PRC

Participating units

Research contents

This project is a multicenter, longitudinal, clinical intervention study to improve the quality of life of patients with PD through the prevention and intervention of disability and falls caused by gait balance disorders. The project will establish and improve a multicenter gait-and-balance function-assessment scale system, a gait-and-balance function-monitoring and analysis system, and several technical platforms such as exercise therapy, health education, etc. At the same time, this project aims to establish a multidisciplinary team including neurologists, neurorehabilitation physicians, neuronursing teams, gait-and-balance function analysts and technicians, and health education lecturers. This research team will evaluate and monitor the gait and balance function of 500 disabled patients with PD in multiple centers, follow them up for a long time, and provide individualized interventions to patients through techniques such as exercise therapy and health education. Moreover, the project will explore the role of exercise therapy in improving patients' balancing ability, reducing patient falls, and promoting universal health care.

Execution time

December 2019-April 2021